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Sched Info and Resources


KAAN23 is using the event app Sched for registration and the conference event app. Please keep in mind the following:


  • Sessions are color coded to indicate what type they are (adoptee-only, fishbowl, general, etc.). Please be respectful of adoptee-only spaces.

  • If you are logged into the Sched account you created when you purchased your ticket you can create a custom schedule with the "Add to My Schedule" option on each event. More information at

  • If you have added a session to your schedule you are not obligated to attend it. Conversely, if you have not added a session to your schedule you are welcome to attend it, with the exception of the 2:30pm Learn the Traditional Korean Art of Bojagi session on Friday 6/30.

  • You can email yourself or print a copy of the schedule from the Sched website. See the tutorial here:


The Sched app has a chat function, available only to those with a public profile. This is also where KAAN will make announcements throughout the weekend.


  • We highly encourage you to turn on the “Public Profile & Schedule” setting to take advantage of this chat function, but it is not required. Information on how to do this can be found here:

  • Everyone is welcome to use the Event Lobby channel to coordinate meetups, carpools, post photos of the event, etc.

  • You can direct message someone or start a group chat. Additional people can be added to a group chat (3 or more people) but not to a direct message (2 people).


The KAAN Code of Conduct applies to this online space as well. Please obtain enthusiastic consent before sending someone a direct message or adding them to a group chat.


Some helpful information and resources are below. If you have any questions or need help, email (please allow 1-2 business days for a response). Please add to your address book or check your spam folder to make sure you receive all confirmation emails.

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